Sunday, March 12, 2006

Band Name Debate

For the following post, I'm going to publish a debate about a very pressing topic: What should I call my act: Lance Anderson (my name) or Handgun for a Heart (a cool name, but it sounds like a band, rather than just me.)

--Begin Transcript--

Presenter 1: Andy McLeary
Position: Use Lance Anderson, not that 'Handgun for a Heart' crap.

Lance Anderson is clearly an awesome name. With it comes connotations of greatness, achievement, and just plain sexyness. Additionally, if you were to call your act by your own name it gives off an auroa of quiet confidence. Chicks love that stuff. You are so good, you are calling yourself well...yourself. By calling yourself by your own name, you are drawing much more attention and glory to yourself.

Lance Anderson is clearly an awesome name. With it comes connotations of greatness, achievement, and just plain sexyness.

Everyone will be more likely to notice you and give you their adoration and appreciation for making the magical musical melodies dance through their being. Why wouldn't you want the attention of all those people? Of course you want the attention of these people. You want the recognition because you, my friend, deserve it. Don't ever forget that.

If you call yourself 'Handgun for a Heart' people will think its a band. It isn't a's you...and you alone. Don't let people give other people who don't actually exist any of the credit for your work. It will cause a lot of confusion. People constantly think that Nine Inch Nails is a band. It's not, it's Trent Reznor. Do you really want to bring all that confusion into the picture with yourself?

Handgun for a Heart sounds too 'Gothic/Emo' anyway. I mean, do you really want to be lumped in with all those 'Emo' bands like Fall out Boy, As I lay Dying, and the like? The answer is no. It's been done before, and everyone is tired of the poor gothic/punk/emo sounding names. Stick with the all-american 'Lance Anderson.' Do it or I'll punch you in the spleen.

Presenter 2: Douglas Friedel
Position: Use Handgun for a Heart, not this 'Lance Anderson' crap.

Let's be honest...Lance Anderson is a stupid name. With that name, you have to constantly put up with people calling you 'Lance Armstrong' or 'Lancelot' or 'Lance Romance.' Petty and sickening isn't it? Haven't you put up with enough of that over the years?
Let's be honest...Lance Anderson is a stupid name. With that name, you have to constantly put up with people calling you 'Lance Armstrong' or 'Lancelot' or 'Lance Romance.' Petty and sickening isn't it?
Handgun for a Heart is a great, unique name. It highlights the angst and hurt that many of your songs reference. If it lumps you with 'Gothic/Emo/Punk' bands, then great...those are some awsome bands. Why wouldn't you want to be compared to AFI, Alkaline Trio, and the like? And if you do go for 'Lance Anderson', then you would certainly be grouped with John Mayer and Jack Johnson...who would you rather be compared to? That's what I thought.

As far as getting more attention if you go by your own name...who cares. Handgun for a Heart sounds way cooler. Do it.

--End of transcript.--

Well, there you have it. That was the debate. Any opinons from my loyal readers as to what I should call myself would be greatly appreciated. Just leave a comment on this post. Till next time...Peace.

~ Lance

Song(s) Played During this Post - Against Me! - Scream Until You're Coughing up Blood; She Wants Revenge - Us; (A bunch of other stuff that I forgot because this post is so damn long.)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Going's On

Recording of the album has not begun in earnest. It was slow going at first but it is coming along nicely now. I'm REALLY excited about how it is sounding right now. I've started laying down the first guitar tracks and it sounds really good.

I ended up taking my guitar back because there were some problems with the pickups. They didn't have the same model, so I got the next model up (which is has a nicer sound because of a bigger body and is a much better color, :-p ) for the same price! It's really cool and sounds great on my new PA system.

Speaking of which, I have all the equipment I need to play a live show so I'd really like to get one soon. If you know anywhere where I could play, even a house party or something, let me know.

I hope to have some pictures of the recording studio, etc to post up here soon so stay tuned.

~ Lance

Song(s) Played During this Post: Coldplay - Clocks (Live); Coldplay - In My Place (Live)